Oak CC Sandblast
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Oak CC Sandblast

Dimensions: 4 ft x 8 ft x 3.6 mm

Natural Crown-Cut Woodgrain

Our Sandblasted Natural Oak CC Plywood have a raised/embossed woodgrain texture. If you are not looking for Oak CC with pronounced texture, refer to: Natural Oak CC  plywood.

*Do note that for Natural Plywood range, every batch will differ in woodgrain patterns. It may not necessarily look like the the image shown.

Colour and grain variations are natural characteristics of authentic wood surfaces. It is not possible to create exactly similar characteristics in natural materials. Organic variations are part of the whole process of using natural wood plywood and should be understood by customers.


  1. Product photography and samples are to be used as a general guide. Color as well as percentage, size and shape of markings will vary. Sizes are nominal, not actual.